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ASP Application 개체 Contents.Remove Contents.Remove 영문 Syntax: Application.Contents.Remove (Name|Integer) Name : The Name argument is the name of the item to be deleted. It must be enclosed in a pair of quotes. Integer : The Integer argument is the position number of the item in the collection to be deleted. The numbering sequence for a collection starts at one, not zero. The Contents.Remove method is used to remove a single item .. 2013. 12. 6.
ASP Application 개체 Contents.RemoveAll Contents.RemoveAll 영문 Syntax: Application.Contents.RemoveAllThe Contents.RemoveAll method is used to remove all items from a Contents collection. The Contents.RemoveAll method deletes all items that are in the Application.Contents collection. 번역본 구문 : Application.Contents.RemoveAllThe의 Contents.RemoveAll 방법은 목차 컬렉션에서 모든 항목을 제거하는 데 사용됩니다. Contents.RemoveAll 방법 삭제 Application.Contents 컬렉션에있는 모든 항목.. 2013. 12. 6.
ASP Application 개체 Application.Lock Application.Lock 영문 Syntax: Application.LockThe Lock method prevents all other users from making changes in the Application object. The Lock method prevents all other users from changing any of the variables in the Contents collection of the Application object. Application objects are designed to be shared among an unlimited number of users. Therefore, you need the ability to allow only one user.. 2013. 12. 6.
ASP Application 개체 Application.Unlock Application.Unlock 영문 Syntax: Application.Unlock The Unlock method allows any user to have access to any of the Application object properties in order to make changes. The Unlock method is used to explicitly unlock the variables in the Contents collection of the Application object. In contrast, the Lock method prevents all other users from changing any of the variables in the Contents collection.. 2013. 12. 6.